Does daylight saving throw off your colleagues and customers? Avoid any delays by using these tools

On November 4th, everyone in the US rolled their clocks back by one hour.
And this is nothing out of the ordinary. However, if you have time-sensitive documents that need to be filled out by your colleagues and customers – this time shift can cause confusion and be quite of a nuisance.
Protect your business from these potential delays and inaccuracies. Learn about the life hacks that will eliminate not only time problems related to daylight savings, but also help you deal with absent-minded colleagues and customers.
Set reminders for signing documents
Calm down. You don’t have to remind employees or clients about the due dates for important documents anymore.
When using SignNow, don’t hesitate to take full advantage of the advanced options this online platform provides. Set automatic reminders for your recipient(s) to ensure they don’t forget to sign your document(s).
When you’ve edited a document and are ready to send it out to be signed, indicate in how many days and how often a reminder should be sent. On the specified days, the recipient will receive an email with a reminder to sign the document.
Specify required fields right in the form
You want the recipient to fill out specific fields. So instead of emailing them, sending them threatening letters, or having to meet them in-person to clearly explain what you need, you can just use SignNow’s ‘Required fields’ feature.
The way it works is that if the recipient does not complete all of the required fields, they will not be able to hit the ‘Complete’ button at all. Instead, they’ll be notified that they still have ‘X’ amount of fields to complete in the document.
A required field will usually be in a dark colored box that the recipient can click on. There will also be a yellow flag on the left-hand side to help recipients find the required field to complete.
Respectively, a lighter colored box is an optional field. This means recipients don’t need to input information into lighter colored boxes before hitting ‘Submit’.
Prefill documents to prevent recipients from adding unnecessary information
There may be fields in the document that the recipient doesn’t have to fill out. But you know, some people just love doing what isn’t actually required of them.
So now you may get one step ahead of them by pre-filling any document.
This way, you can complete any section of a document that you already have the information for. For example, if you already know some of the information in a generic document that you want your signer to complete (such as a name or address), you can fill out that portion for them before sending it.
All you need to do is use the provided pre-filled field in the drop down menu.
…and a few additional features to make your document workflow absolutely stress-free
For super accurate document filling
SignNow’s Conditional fields allow you to apply fields to your document which will remain hidden until the proper conditions are met – afterwards, the fields will automatically become visible.
In other words, one field (Conditional) should become visible only after another field (Condition) has been filled in and confirmed by the signer.
For super convenient dealing with customers
SignNow’s Validation fields are fields that require the signer to input specific information such as a date, time, SSN, credit card number, and more. Validation fields ensure that the correct information is being put in the right place – something that can’t be done when signing with pen and paper.
And finally, instructions for your absent-minded colleagues and customers!
In SignNow we call these ‘labels’.
Add labels to PDF documents to provide your recipient with instructions on what they should place in a specific field. You can add labels to ‘Text fields’, ‘Date/Time fields’ and ‘Dropdown fields’.
To get started, open the document and add a Text field or Date/Time field wherever needed. Select the field you’d like to add labels to and simply click on it.
We believe that true digital tools are aimed at making human communication and collaboration more efficient and less complicated. Providing you the freedom to improve your overall document workflow and prevent misunderstandings with colleagues and customers is our #1 priority.
P.S. BTW, if none this helps, you can always fire some of those more notoriously absent-minded employees.
- Set reminders for signing documents
- Specify required fields right in the form
- Prefill documents to prevent recipients from adding unnecessary information
- …and a few additional features to make your document workflow absolutely stress-free
- And finally, instructions for your absent-minded colleagues and customers!