There is no better moment than now. However, the question is – how to force yourself to act? How to stop doubting? All our activity is directly dependent on the motivation. Our interests are exactly what gives real energy to our actions. This energy manifests itself in visible activity and perseverance. It helps us to concentrate attention, seek solutions and achieve goals.
Scientific theories on motivation
Among the numerous psychological studies of “motivation” in business activity it is most often connected to the concept of “achievement”. They are important primarily because they are closely related to the question: how can a person be oriented toward success? The desire to understand how such motivation arises, how it affects human life and whether it can be managed, has given us a lot of theories on motivation. We divided all of them all into two groups: substantive and processive. The first answer to the question “What motivates people?”. The second focuses on what influences the process of motivation and how to increase its effectiveness.
The most famous and informative theory is the “Maslow pyramid.” It is based on the notion that instinctive needs, organized in a strict hierarchical system, are an incentive to any action.
The theory of David McKelland divides the needs into a need for power, success, and involvement. This theory considers motivation as the achievement of success or avoidance of failures. In the first case, incentives are motivating words, recognition from others, gifts. In the second – penalties, fines, loss of status, all kinds of restrictions.
The popular “Theory of expectations” by Viktor Vroom, on the other hand, asserts that the needs are not primary, but the person’s assessment of the attainability of the reward and the goal to which he aspires are. That is, the simpler and faster task is executed, the higher the motivational momentum.
Adams’s “Justice Theory,” in turn, is based on how the desire to achieve something correlates with the amount of reward that others receive for the performance of a similar task. Interestingly, if an individual receives a smaller bonus than the rest, his motivation falls. If, however, he receives more encouragement than others, the main aspiration remains to work at the same level, and not more intensively.
How to increase your team’s motivation?
As a rule, motivation in business is synonymous with the motivation of the employees. Sooner or later each manager needs to motivate staff. To achieve a consistently high level of motivation among employees there can only be a combination of material and non-material incentives. To raise wages is not enough. Yes, cash reward can raise the level of interest, but not in the long term.
An ideal example is the investment business. This is an extremely competitive niche, as the market is full of players willing to invest large sums in all sorts of projects. How to keep the top professionals motivated to bring their “a-game”? What if the high salary is not enough? The theory of motivation allows some simple examples of employee motivation:
- Cash and other bonuses.
- New tools and top of the line appliances to work with
- Flexible work schedule
- Free learning, training, professional courses
- Motivational speeches, praise from the leadership (alone or in public)
- Attention to family members of employees (corporate children’s camps).
Nonmaterial motivation
Before raising every clercs salary, and printing the corporate T-shirts you should consider upgrading the tools your team uses on everyday basis. I bet, every member of your sales team would be inspired and motivated, to have an option to sign a client instantaneously after the meeting or a call. SignNow eSignature solution allows getting instant e-signatures: everything from a single signature to complex task with twenty simultaneous signers, a customized signing order and different levels of editing permissions.
It will allow your employees to save tons of time. Case studies of our repeated customers show, that deploying SignNow solution saved them and their teams 37,8% of working hours per week. That means more time for creativity, customer relationship building and collaboration.
It will save your business budget. The same statistics, gathered among our clients show, that after deploying SignNow the companies saved on average 2/3 of budget spent on physical paper. While the median across the country is $20 per month per employee.
Your sales reps will close more deals and they will do it fast. Many SignNow customers sign while on the phone with sales reps or immediately afterward. This dramatically shortens the average time to sign from 6-14 days to minutes, simultaneously reducing the payment cycle. More so, using eSignature applications lowers the amount of friction by making it simple for the clients to leave a valid signature anywhere from any device. Average improvement pf closing rate after adopting SignNow is more than 5%.
By implementing a non-material motivation scheme, you will allow your team to grow and improve faster. Adopting SignNow will allow your team to spend less time printing, faxing and copying. Not mentioning – chasing a client to the end of the world for a single autograph.