Electronic signatures are bringing speed and simplicity to our lives.
For businesses – eSignatures cut costs on paper and storage, fasten payments from customers, and provide better security to stored documents.
But what’s more important for your business is how eSignatures greatly improve the customer experience by providing your target audience with quick service. However, there are also a few important psychological elements that actually make your customers prefer your product over products that require the use of wet ink signatures.
Let’s figure out what psychological aspects are hidden in using digital signatures, and what makes people enjoy the experience of eSigning.
A sense of independence
It’s probably the most important point of the customer experience. And it starts with the need to sign “right here and now.”
Let’s say that you’re in a shop or bank. Now imagine you need to provide a signature to purchase a product or service. In addition, people are constantly walking around or waiting to buy that same product or service as you. Now you feel under pressure, and almost as if you were being rushed. This effect increases exponentially when you see that line of impatient-looking people behind you.
With these and other distractions going on, very few people can finally collect their thoughts and properly read the contract till the end or ask the most important questions regarding the deal.
Such a phenomenon can be explained by a person’s feeling of being in a hurry and unwillingness to bother other people with an ‘uncomfortable situation’ or ‘stupid questions’.
Of course, moments like this are easily avoidable. First of all, you have the right to take your time and read the necessary materials, as well as ask critical questions (after all, it’s your money we’re talking about).
But to make things even more comfortable, a person can now enjoy the ability to e-sign those documents. So now, while sitting at home and having all of their documents neatly collected in front of them, your customers have the opportunity to calm down and consider all the important points of a contract without any outside distractions.
Less distractions mean a person can bring their full undivided attention to what they’re actually signing.
A sense of ease and accessibility
Sure, by leveraging eSignature technology you can improve the time it takes for you to provide your customers with the service they want.
But for your customers, the most critical point in this matter is that they can get what they want almost immediately after they’ve made a purchasing decision. They can actually sign any document while on-the-go, from any device.
Our modern lifestyle and living in this era of unprecedented consumption, has made us accustomed to buying the things we want very quickly. It’s actually been proven that the unwillingness to wait can lead to a customer’s refusal to finally make a purchase.
E-signing documents makes purchasing easier, faster and doesn’t require a person to get seriously distracted from other tasks or duties.
A sense of confidence
Paper clutter is the last thing people in the modern-day world want to deal with. Most people today have a ‘sign and forget’ mentality.
Being required to store paper documents such as certificates, bills and so on greatly complicates the whole deal. Sure, there are those out there that insist some documents should only be accessible in a paper format.
But with digital ones, your customers will never lose a single necessary document and can print one out whenever it’s required.
Moreover, digital documents are more secure than paper ones. For example, signNow’s eSignature solution is highly secure and effective, combating cyber attacks, ransomware, data breaches, and identity theft cases nonstop.
These three aspects are only to name a few. It’s time to use digital documents and signatures to streamline your workflow and provide your customers with an intuitive experience. Start considering these strategies and empower your business today!