Ken Grohe
President SignNow+PDFfiller
Experienced President with a demonstrated history of execution in the information technology and SaaS industry.
Grohe takes readers through his firsthand process translated into an easy flowing narrative of transforming a typical “customer transaction” into a perception changing experience.
Сustomer centricity, as illustrated in the book, is one of the strongest trends in marketing and SaaS. With Grohe’s insight, anyone can learn how to change the game and use it to their advantage. “We open offices without a single printer, admin, or desk. Entire airports are being re-designed for Uber as yellow cabs still line up for hours. Why isn’t business participating in the fun?” The center of the business universe has shifted. Documents, agreements, static Word docs and PDFs are often seen as necessary nuisances instead of an opportunity to demonstrate higher value. Customer information workflow has become the point for learning and drawing ideas from. “This book predicts the rise of the Chief Customer Officer as the architect of the new era.”
Why read this book?
First, the information within has been distilled, so 15–20 minutes of your time will be all it takes to get caught up on the most recent developments in SaaS and Marketing trends. Second, the book comes jam-packed with usable examples. Being a practicing specialist, Ken Grohe goes into concise detail about real cases and the mechanics of achieving total Customer Relationship Zen.
Grohe tells the story of how SignNow achieved the best possible Customer Experience by providing businesses with a mobile solution that eliminates the usual obstacles: Having to go back and forth with data input, putting business on hold while the signature and data collection process plays out. Business now can be conducted at the speed of thought. The author shares insights on how to speed things up and become borderline irreplaceable to your client.
The secret ingredient of success is taking a mundane transaction and turning it into a unique customer experience. Grohe unravels his method of converting a service into an epiphany. He gives tips on changing the game without asking customers what they want yet giving them what they can’t live without.
The “AHA!” moment from Ken Grohe
THiNKaha is a unique publishing platform. They print works by practitioners and specialists, not theoretics. THiNKaha makes it easy for readers to implement the ideas and working hypotheses of their authors. By creating easy-to-use content, they help raise awareness on the new trends and issues. THiNKaha’s content is made by practitioners for practitioners, their books help turn corporate experts into opinion leaders by spreading firsthand knowledge.
Experience your own “AHA!” moment – send an email to grohe@signnow.com with “SignNow trial” in the subject line. Feel free to request a customized demo or ask questions about how SignNow can help your business and customer service. In addition, you will also receive a FREE copy of Ken Grohe’s “Leveraging NetSuite & Your Mobile Device to Make More $$$” eBook.