Have you ever stumbled upon the thought that your job responsibilities are just a cluster of things that nobody wants to do, but someone has to?
If such thoughts make up a significant chunk of your “good morning”, chances are you’re probably a salesman.
And this is easily proved by figures:
- Sales professionals spend just 24% of their time on selling.
- 66% of time is spent on administrative tasks.
- 25% of that part is spent on contract-related issues.
According to these figures, the list of skills for the average sales rep position can actually be reduced to the following:
Analysis, Communication, Leadership, Planning Abilities and Contracts.
But there’s one little correction: Contracts go on top.
Contracts need e-signatures. And there are 5 reasons why:
1. It’s fast
Nobody doubts that your clients are just as busy as you are.
So if you’re going to treat your clients to a better experience, you’d better estimate how much of their time it will take. You’ll want to close deals as quickly as possible, and that’s what SignNow is famous for.
First of all, it’s mobile-oriented. With SignNow, it takes just a few clicks to sign documents on your mobile device. Your clients can close deals while being anywhere outside the office.
This saves the time and energy of everyone involved. Additionally, you can convert any contract into a reusable template to avoid having to create new contracts from scratch.
2. It’s cheap
Manual paperwork is costly, and hiring an assistant is even more expensive. Investing in an e-signature solution not only simplifies your workflow process. It’s an investment that will save you money further down the road.
SignNow sets itself apart when compared to other e-signature platforms. SignNow’s Business plan will cost you $8, allowing you to quickly e-sign, upload and send out an unlimited number of documents. You are also able to check any changes made to your document with a complete audit log, password protect all documents and access any document from a mobile device.
The Premium Plan, which costs $15, provides users with advanced, yet clearly-defined features. You can get link protection from malicious cyber attacks, create unlimited teams in your organization, custom brand your documents etc.
You may also choose the Enterprise Plan which provides you with additional phone support, advanced threat protection (ATP), HIPAA compliance and other features necessary for enterprise-level business.
3. It’s easy
Being a sweetheart with your prospects can’t offset having to deal with annoying searches and manually filling out forms. So eliminating manual document processes is now a priority. The phrase ‘we put our customers first’ should mean automation, self-service, mobile-first and personalization.
I love how easy it is to send out contracts to my clients. I’ve only had one or two clients not know how to use SignNow when they received an email from me. When I encountered that, I just used SignNow’s helpful links to send to my clients in order to help them better understand how to use the platform and hence, sign the contract!
I also love the app since it gives me access to signed contracts, even when I’m traveling for business.
An e-signature implementation will make a drastic difference in your sales revenue due to an increase in your clients’ loyalty. With SignNow, you can avoid difficult learning steps because it’s a lightweight, browser-based platform with an easily navigable interface.
In addition, SignNow has numerous integrations for scaling your business.
4. It’s secure
Of course, your contracts should only be signed with legally-binding signatures.
This is important for each sale. And SignNow e-signatures are compliant under the ESIGN act and are recognized world-wide. Keep your data confidential with advanced encryption and authentication.
In addition, SignNow’s Audit Trail feature lets you stay informed on who signed your document. It also lets you see when it was signed and from what device.
5. It’s satisfying
Yes, in other words, the main goal is to build a sustainable infrastructure in which sales can grow.
E-signature solutions are designed to help sales reps create structure and approve sales documents on the fly, just by answering questions in a browser.
Sales teams should be equipped to sell as efficiently as possible. And SignNow is able to turn a painful contract signing into a successful deal by making documents easily customizable.
Edit documents before signing or sending them to be signed. Add initials, checkboxes, text, date/time fields and dropdown menus. View the editing history and monitor the signing process.