Why Students Choose SignNow to Stay Productive

A lot of students ask, “When would I need to use electronic signature?” Many of those students were surprised to discover just how useful and efficient SignNow’s e-signature solution is to their everyday life.

As a student, you know that first impressions are everything. Whether you’re at a job interview, meeting your roommate for the first time, or moving into your new dorm room, first impressions can make significant differences for your interviewer, roommate, or dorm friends.

SignNow is the answer to every student’s problems: students lose documents and papers, or are sometimes too exhausted to turn in assignments on time. With SignNow, students can just take a quick photo of their document, electronically sign it, and then send it to their professor, all in one platform! SignNow fits the typical student’s lifestyle by providing a quick, easy, and efficient paperless solution directly on mobile or web.

Students are always amazed when filling out time-sensitive documents before going to an interview, or meeting university deadlines early. What’s even better is SignNow’s mobile app, which allows students to sign documents anywhere, anytime. Today’s students are the future workers and leaders of our digital generation, and they’re more tech-savvy than ever before. E-signature holds an important place in the digital world, and it’s only growing. That’s why students need to take the time to increase their competitive edge before entering the business world.

So, what if you used SignNow for all the required documents you sign throughout the semester? In a class of 30 students, over 830 papers are used throughout the year. Whether they’re permission slips, club waiver forms, campus activity papers, loans and grant forms, scholarship applications, study abroad forms, or medical records, you can sign all of these documents from the comfort of your laptop or mobile device… it’s that quick and easy!

If you start using SignNow’s e-signature app for all your school documents, your everyday transactions will be so much simpler. You could apply for FAFSA early, or meet your study abroad application deadline, online with SignNow. Incoming freshmen can sign their required documents before heading off to university, which will make their onboarding process smoother and stress-free.

For students, the future is going digital. Choose SignNow for your education.