signNow allows you to collect signatures by creating signing links

If you’d like to share a document via a short link without having to add signer email addresses, use signNow to generate a unique URL and share it with your recipients. Every user that has the link can access a document and sign their own copy.

Signing links allow you to collect data and signatures by quickly sharing documents and forms on the web, in chats and messengers, or via email. Signers can access and complete your documents as long as the corresponding signing links are active.

How to create a Signing link?

Start by uploading your document to signNow. Alternatively, use any document or template stored in your account.

create signing link in signNow - upload your document

Add signer roles and fillable fields using the toolbar on the left. Click Save and Close to save your changes and return to the dashboard.

create signing link using signNow - add roles

Keep in mind that if you add one role, signers will be instantly redirected to complete the document in the signNow editor. If you add more than one role, the person who follows the link will be authorized to define signer roles and send signature invites to the corresponding recipients.

create signing link using signNow - define signer roles

To generate a new signing link, click Create Invite Link next to the document or template you intend to share.

create signing link using signNow - create invite link

The link will appear in the pop-up window. Copy it and share it via any available communication channel. Use the checkboxes below the signing link to set the parameters for your signature invite.

create signing link using signNow - copy and share URL

The person who follows your link will open your document in a browser tab where they can sign it online in seconds.

Once the document has been signed, you are going to see them in your account.

Watch the video below to see how Sales teams share documents using signNow’s Signing Link feature:

Get the best eSignature solution for your business

Originally published in June 2018, updated for comprehensiveness and accuracy in February 2023